Person lying in the fetal position while an elephant asks them, "Is the pandemic getting to you again?" Remember when we were staying home for two weeks to flatten the curve? It’s been 17 months since stay-at-home orders were issued in March 2020. Regardless of your pandemic style, you’re likely experiencing some form of pandemic fatigue. With the emergence of the Delta strain and tightening restrictions, you may be feeling frustrated, angry, helpless, or numb.

Want help coping with the Delta blues? Here are a few ideas …

    1. Show yourself compassion – You may not be your ideal self right now and that’s okay. You may feel tired, unmotivated, cranky, or apathetic. Or you may actually be doing well and feeling guilty about thriving when others are struggling. Wherever you are, it’s okay. There is no right way to pandemic. If you’re struggling, ask yourself, “What do I need right now?” Take a deep breath and listen for the answer under the noise of stressors you don’t control. The answer may be as simple as love, food, to be alone, or to reach out to a friend. Take small, achievable action steps to meet whatever needs come up.

    2. Let go of  how things should be – Whether you’re disappointed the world didn’t go back to normal on June 15 or feel the world reopened too quickly, you’re understandably frustrated that reality doesn’t match your picture of how it should be. I’m frustrated too and encourage you to feel your annoyance, anger, fear, and disappointment. Then, as you are ready, embrace life as it is. You may surprise yourself by finding freedom through acknowledging and releasing your expectations.

    3. Be extra kind to others – In addition to following CDC guidelines and respecting others’ COVID comfort levels, make an effort to be kind. Caring for others’ emotional wellbeing, especially when they are “consequential strangers” like your bank teller, farmers market dealer, or front desk person at your dentist’s office has positive effects on your mental health too! Research shows that positive interactions with people who you don’t know well, but see often, actually have the greatest effect on your mood.

    4. Connect with your community – The pandemic has shown how interconnected we are and how our small actions directly affects others. We’re definitely still in this together. You can help fight food insecurity locally by donating to Marin Community Fridges. When you visit the Marin Farmers Market on Sundays, purchase produce from participating vendors or drop it off at the Marin Community Fridges table by the entrance and they’ll deliver it for you! Or you can buy food at your local grocery store and take it to one of five local fridges. To find the location nearest you, check out Marin Community Fridges.

    5. Get out of fight-or-flight mode with acupuncture – Acupuncture’s ability to regulate the nervous system is powerful. It can be effective in those moments when breathing deeply and clearing your mind are tools that seem out of reach. I routinely see patients shift from being irritable and angry to relaxed and calm over the course of a session. Other times patients come back for routine care because loved ones who notice the difference in their mood encourage them to get regular acupuncture. If you’d like help recalibrating your nervous system so you can better handle your challenges, schedule online or contact me:

      Learn more
      Ways to reduce anxiety
      Recipes that soothe the soul
      Acupuncture for anxiety and stress